Rest and Rejuvenate!

1. I ran a triathlon today! Weeeeoooo! I will post a recap all about it later but in short, it went amazing. 

2. Glad you all liked my Fun Fact Friday post the other day 🙂 Here are some other fun facts that you guys commented about:

  • There are about 572 peanuts in a jar of peanut butter. – Carolyn
  • When you bite a wintergreen lifesaver, a spark of light is released. – Chelsea 
  • Mephobia: the fear of being so awesome that the human race can’t handle it and everybody dies. – Khushboo
  • It is nearly impossible to put on mascara with a closed mouth. – Henry
3. I’ve ranted about my roommate before. So how are we now? I wouldn’t know actually. We don’t talk anymore. And to be honest, that is totally fine with me. Technically, she is actually my “suite mate” so we have separate rooms but share a living room, shower, and bathroom. Anywho. She has a new group of friends who likes to drink and party. Then they like to come back to the dorm at 2am and be really loud to wake me up. It’s quite lovely. But really, I’m so much happier not being around her.
4. I recently read Portia de Rossi’s book, Unbearable Lightness. I’ve never really read memoirs before but if they’re anything like this, then I will be reading a lot more! I really, really liked this book. I read it in about 3 days. No joke. She described her emotions while dealing with the eating disorder so well. I could feel her pain not only because of my past, but also because her word choice. It was truly amazing what she battled. Now go read it!

5. Anybody watching the Oscars tonight? Right now, I am watching the red carpet and all the interviews they give before. It always cracks me up when they ask what they are wearing. It’s like, really? Do you think non-celebrities are going to go out and pay $10,000 for a dress by that designer? Yeah. I don’t think so.

then again, cher is making this dress very tempting to buy. or is it a bathing suit? the world may never know...

6. I am going home next weekend!! I know. I just went home but this time, it’s for a wedding. I love weddings (if you couldn’t tell from my pinterest folder). 

7. A couple of weeks ago, I got the Rest and Rejuvenate Award from Kaila. I fell the job down on the job and never posted it…until now! 

~your excuse to take a break and do something for YOU~

Here are the rules:

1. Copy and paste the award button and rules into a post.

2. Answer the questions that go along with the award.

3. Pass the award onto other deserving bloggers who are worthy of some rest and rejuvenation.

4. And most importantly: Take this award as a sign that you are worth it, you are enough, and you deserve to cut yourself some slack. 


1. What is your favorite way to relax?
It would probably have to be laying on the couch and watching tv. Or taking a nap. Or playing board games with the family 🙂 Or taking a nap. Did I already say that?

2. What would your ideal rest day involve? Plan it out!
I would wake up around 8am and go out to breakfast with the family. At the restaurant, I would get whole wheat pancakes or something. Then we would head to a farmers market (because farmers markets are awesome. duhhh!). Next I would come home and take my dog for a walk along the beach. Thennn I would come home and bake/cook like a fool. Next up would be a family dinner, some board games, and watching a movie with the familia 🙂 Can I have that rest day now? Please?

3. How many “rest and rejuvenate” days do you aim for each week?
I definitely aim for one day a week with no workout at all. I think everybody needs a day for their muscles and mind to rest and rejuvenate!

I tag:

Brittany @ A Spoonful of Peanut Butter

Alex @ Fun, Food, and Free Weights

Kate @ Chasing Running Dreams

Chelsea @ One Healthy Munchkin 

Meg @ A Dash of Meg

Chelsea @ The Nut Butter Runner

Tessa @ Amazing Asset

How was everyone’s weekend? Amazing I hope 🙂
Have you ever read Unbearable Lightness or any other memoirs?
Are you watching the Oscars? 

19 thoughts on “Rest and Rejuvenate!

  1. I can’t wait to hear about your triathlon!! How cool! And thanks for the tag chica! 😀
    I absolutely looovvveedd portia’s book, I finished it at the speed of light too, it was just so eloquent and well written. And you know I’mma be watchin the oscars, I love seeing all the dresses 🙂

  2. A triathlon?! Wow that’s awesome! Congrats! Can’t wait to hear more about it. I’ve wanted to read Portia’s book for awhile now but I STILL haven’t gotten around to it. Now that you speak so highly of it, I guess i’ll have to make it more of a priority! Have a great week 🙂

  3. I read Portia DeRossi’s book last year.
    Of course I’m watching the Oscars! What else am I going to do?
    Napping and watching tv has to be the best way to relax ever.

  4. I’ve never read Unbearable Lightness, but I remember when it was floating around the blog world. Sounds great!

  5. I’ve not read that book, but I’ve seen a lot about it on blogs, and some people can read it and others just can’t get through it because it’s emotional. Still, kudos to you for reading a book and liking it :). Also, I love your award answers and hope someone passes this back to me :).

    Sorry about your roommate troubles. I had roommates my senior year of college who had very different lifestyles than I did, and I really didn’t like it at all. Like you, they weren’t actually “ROOM” mates but we shared enough for it to matter, unfortunately. I hope things get better with living with her, even if it’s temporary, it stinks that someone is like that still when they’re in college.

  6. Thanks for the tag girl!! you are totally right, I need to relax haha. I feel your pain about your suitemate! My freshman year of college I lived in a room with four other girls (oh yes, it sucked), on a TINY floor that had three other five-girl rooms. aka, there were a lot of us in a very small space. I’d come home on a friday night after 5 hours of class and 15 miles of running and be TIRED AS SHIZZ…..did anyone let the varsity distance runner sleep? NO, they partied away, got super drunk, and made fun of me when I came out of my room in my PJs to ask them to be quiet. :-(. Oh well. it’s in the past. I’m totally still bitter about it though lol! I can’t wait to hear about your triathlon recap!! I’ve been kiiiiinda toying with the idea of doing a tri…haha. And it’s so great that you’re back to kicking butt after time off – hows your hamstring btw??

    • you should totally do a triathlon!! they become really addicting.

      as for the hamstring, it’s not doing too great. it was able to get through the race just fine but still not 100%. i think i figured out what it’s from though. i think i messed up my back in one race. and that messed up my left leg which messed up my hamstring. so i’m going to a chiropractor tomorrow to get it checked out. hopefully it will get better! thanks for asking 🙂

  7. I definitely watched the Oscar’s last night. It was way better than last year’s that’s for sure. The best part was “Scorcese!” *drink* 😛

    Congrats on the tri! Can’t wait to read your recap!

  8. I’ve never read Unbearable Lightness, but I love books that encourage and uplift. One of my favorite ones is The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. This book totally changed my life. It’s so hard for me to be negative now. Definitely something that teaches you how to love being who you are and how to love everyone else. P.S. I love love love your “random” quote!!!

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