summer has arrived

First off, thank you all SO much for your sweet comments on my first vlog. I was a bit hesistant to post it, but as usual, you guys were amazing 🙂

Since I haven’t blogged in awhile (at least it feels like a long time), I figured I should update you guys on what’s been going on.

I finished my first year of college! It wasn’t easy. Heck, it was far from that. But at least I survived. And now…summer!! I packed stuffed my car and set out to drive home. It was a pretty uneventful drive. 2 stops and 8 hours later, I was home.

I got a job for Mother’s Day weekend. Yeah, it’s only for 4 days but it’s better than nothing!

You know what is the best? Waking up in the morning and being able to make whatever you want because you have a full kitchen. Man, I’ve missed the kitchen. I decided to on pancakes because, well, you can never go wrong with pancakes. Chocolate coconut topped with chocolate peanut butter to be exact. I know they don’t look all that appetizing but they were, I promise.

You know what’s not the best? Waking up to rain when you planned on going for a run. I had all my clothes laid out and then I looked out the window. Since when did it rain in Orange County?

 Since my morning run was cancelled, I decided to get busy in the kitchen instead! I roasted some veggies and made Kasey’s Power Cookies and Joy the Baker’s Lavender Lemonade.

Have you guys read this Feel Good Story from Spabettie? It’s an amazing story and I may or may not have cried.

I also went to lunch with my best friend. It has been way too long since I’ve seen her. We went to our all time favorite place: The Stand. I got the steamed vegetable bowl as usual because it’s so gosh darn good. Then we went to Active Culture for some frozen yogurt. I got vanilla, cookies ‘n cream, and chocolate with flax seeds, walnuts, and honey nut cheerios on top.

And that’s about it! I was hoping to go to the beach but that whole rain thing kind of put a damper on it.

Ooh but there’s more! I have some exciting news. But it will have to wait… Let’s just say it’s very pink and sweaty. (*hint* look at the new badge on the right hand side). 😉

What’s your favorite vegetable to roast?
Have you ever cooked with lavender before? 

22 thoughts on “summer has arrived

  1. Yay for being home!! You pancakes look great, and the day of cooking looks like funnn! I love roasting beets and brussels! Lavender is amazing in ice cream.

  2. Yum the pancakes look good! I’m actually currently waiting for it to get even rainier before I get outside for a run… hahaha but I’m one of those weirdos that loves it 🙂

  3. I love The Stand so much! I went to high school in OC and am now living in Australia…The Stand was one of my fave spots to chow on yummy, healthy food. I have their menu and often try to recreate the dishes but it’s def not the same. Have you tried the oatmeal raisin cookies or banana ‘soft-serve’?! They’re the bomb. . . . even better eaten on the beach at Thalia St or on ‘top of the world’ 🙂 Jussss sayin’. Anyway I’ve been reading your blog for about 5 months and lovvve it! Keep it up, girl. You rock and your story is an inspiration to me everyday. YOU are beautiful! 🙂

    • no way! their soft serve is SO good but i haven’t tried their oatmeal raisin cookie yet so i gotta get on that. i really should get it to go one day and eat at top of the world 🙂 nothing beats that place on a beautiful day! thanks so much for the support 🙂 enjoy australia! (so jealous haha)

  4. CONGRATS on surviving your first year of college! I’m pretty sure you’re gonna be doing much more than just surviving at your new school next year 🙂 and this year was definitely a personality builder for you!! Sorry your run got rained out, but it looks like you made the best of it in the kitchen!

  5. There’s just no such place as home,right?
    So proud of you fo being done with your first year of college; I know it’s been a struggle for you,but you’re strong and I always knew you’d make it through somehow. 🙂
    Hope the next days will be less rainy though so you can enjoy some time outside! 😉

  6. Woohoo! What a great way to start summer– baking, having fun with family, and noshin on a big ol stack of pancakes! 🙂 Enjoy every minute of it girl, you deserve a break!!

  7. Congrats on the start of summer and the end of your first year! College goes SUPER FAST, so live it up and love it! 🙂 Enjoy being home.. I can’t wait to get home and have pancakes!

  8. Congrats on finishing your first year! That’s really exciting, and even better to have a full kitchen again! I don’t know what I’m going to do without one. I think all dorms have a kitchen you can use at my school but I think I’ll be too shy/embarrassed to do that, but I’ll probably have to sometimes. I don’t think I could go a full year without making treats! I am jealous that you have summer already. I have 5 weeks left, but they’re basically 5 weeks of doing nothing. I go to school and do whatever I want. The only downside is how early i have to get up. Yuck!
    And sorry about the rain! I hardly get to run because of the rain, and then I see people running in the rain and I’m just like, “you’re insane.”
    Sorry for the super long comment.

  9. Ahhhh I’m so jealous it’s summer for you!!! now that I’m just working, I don’t get to look forward to a break! At least I’m taking a long weekend next week to go visit my family 🙂

    Those power cookies sound awesome!

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