Week 1: Done

Well the first week back is overrr. I always hate the first few days of classes. It always seems so slow. We go over the syllabus and then what? Thankfully most of my teachers were cool and let us out early. I really liked all of my classes. I think it’s going to be fun and challenging all at the same time. Challenging. Oh joy.

This is definitely going to be my toughest class. In addition to the lecture part, there is a lab. Oh and for the tests, they are free response. No multiple choice. Even better: spelling counts. Efff. Who sucks at spelling?? This girl. We had our first official lecture yesterday (Thursday) and the teacher went SO fast. I have never written so fast in my life. Not only does she go really fast but the words are super long and hard to spell (that’s gonna be great when test time rolls around…not). Right after the lecture, I have lab. For now, no bodies to look at (and trust me…I am not complaining about that). We were looking at slides of tissue and it wasn’t too bad. We got to color. That was fun. And then I looked back and saw the metal boxes where the bodies are held. That wasn’t so fun.

I like this anatomy a lot more...

In addition to this Anatomy class, I am taking a SI (supplemental instruction) class which is basically just more review. There are going to be diagrams, charts, practice tests, and all that good stuff. In addition to even that, they have open labs every Thursday for MORE review. I’ll most likely go to those too. It’s definitely going to be a challenging class. I’m excited but nervous for it all at the same time. It will be interesting, that’s for sure! (Interesting. As in interesting to see if I pass out or not.)

This is a pretty simple class. It’s required by all kinesiology majors and it’s just to basically make sure it’s what the person wants to do with their life. We’re gonna talk about what kinesiology is and all the jobs that are involved. The only downside is that the classroom is really small. And the class size is really big.

The teacher in this class is a little hard to understand. But at least he’s funny. We only meet in the classroom once a week (Wednesdays). Then on Mondays, we have an online quiz. It shouldn’t be too bad. JK I hate econ.

Easy peasy. It’s a credit/no credit class. We meet twice a week for 50 minutes. Basically you can splash around in the pool for those 50 minutes and still pass the class.

History (online)
Since it sucked getting classes this semester, I am also taking one online at the community college where I live. Then I will transfer those credits to the school I’m at now. It’s “History of the World from 1750.” Since it’s online, I can use Google. For Googling stuff about cats. Duhhh. I would never endorse cheating.

What’s your favorite subject?

14 thoughts on “Week 1: Done

  1. Your classes sound so fun! That’s probably because I’m obsessed with A&P and Kinesiology though… I’m a bit of a nerd. Although anatomy of a cupcake might be even better!

  2. Your classes sound interesting but really intense! You must have SO much homework!! Thank goodness I’m going into graphic design, I’m terrible at science 😉
    Good luck with all of your classes 😀

  3. I loved anatomy! It was hard for sure, but it was such a fascinating class. I have to admit the first time I saw the “box with the bodies” and then actually SAW the cadavers I got queasy and felt weak. After that I was all in there touching and moving muscles to get a closer look. You’ll love it.

  4. Your classes sound really interesting! I took anatomy and physiology last year, and while it was tough, it was fascinating at the same time. Just a whole lot of memorization but also understanding of the bodily functions and systems. I can’t wait to hear what you think about it!

  5. Ahh I feel ya on anatomy! I just took that last semester! It is rough! Especially the spelling, I do not understand why they much so much emphasis on spelling every word right! I’m sure you will do great though! It is pretty interesting once you can get over the stressfulness of it all! haha
    Good luck! 🙂

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